Increase Energy

Shed excess weight

Disconnect Emotions from Eating

Feel happier and healthier

Reduce Cravings and Anxiety

Create healthy and enjoyable eating habits
Ready to Transform your life?
Hi, my name is Ioanna.
I am a Health and Wellness Coach and my main aim is to Guide & Support you in order for you to achieve your physical goals in a healthy and sustainable way. I have always been passionate about helping people and giving them the most I can. I love that personal connection that it creates with my clients, as coaching is all about people.

A Holistic Wellness Approach
Working holistically meaning taking into consideration your physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being and identifying in what stage of change you are at each time.
Personalized Nutrition Plan
Exploring what is most important to your health and helping you achieve your desired physical change.
24/7 Support
Daily contact with me to ensure you get all the help you need when you need it.
Stress & Cravings Reduction
Throughout the process, we will identify your emotional obstacles, work on minimizing them to the maximum and create strategies to move toward your goal.
Guidance by a Certified Health & Nutrition Coach
Tracking your daily progress through an application that you will have access to once you start the program.
Θεωρώ ότι η Ιωάννα Κύπριου είναι πολύ ικανή coach.
Η μέθοδος που χρησιμοποιεί και ο τρόπος που εξηγεί τις λεπτομέρειες της διατροφής είναι εξαιρετικός.
Έμαθα σε πολύ μικρό χρονικό διάστημα να τρώω σωστά και έχασα βάρος χωρίς να κουραστώ και χωρίς καθόλου πίνα.
Είναι πολύ γλυκιά, επικοινωνιακή, ευγενική και σου εμπνέει εμπιστοσύνη αμέσως.
Ιωάννα μου ευχαριστώ πολύ για την βοήθεια σου.
Χαίρομαι που σε γνώρισα και σε εμπιστεύτηκα!!
Eleni - 68
Με την ιστορία της Ιωαννας μπόρεσα να ταυτιστώ και να νιώσω ότι κάποιος καταλαβαίνει και κατανοεί πλήρως πως νιώθω, αυτό με βοήθησε να έχω περισσότερη εμπιστοσύνη στην διαδικασία και παράλληλα να είμαι ασφαλής.
Με τις τεχνικές της με έχει βοηθήσει να έχω περισσότερη συνειδητότητα γύρω απο τις επιλογές μου, κάτι που έλειπε από τη διατροφική μου πορεία.
Δεν έχω σκεφτεί ούτε μια στιγμή ότι κάνω «δίαιτα» ή να καταπιεστώ, αντιθέτως απολαμβάνω τη διαδικασία.
Ευχαριστώ για τη μέχρι τώρα πολύτιμη βοήθεια σου 24/7 και είμαι σίγουρη πως έχω ακόμα να μάθω πολλά απο εσένα.
Fivi - 25
I have been “working” with Ioanna for approximately 4 months. It was a great decision and a hands on experience for me. Our cooperation is based on consistency, persistence and loyalty. I love the flexibility of the program and her teaching method, which definitely set me up for success. Although, is was easy for me to fall off track, she helped me stay motivated and in the right mindset to follow through with the program, since it is a self-paced program. Her program is very informative and the knowledge she shared is helpful and easy to digest. I've learned a lot about habit reformation, diets and I managed to loose weight and stay super fit !!! Ioanna is a wonderful and very inspiring person. She's highly educated and knows health coaching profoundly well.
Ariadni - 62
I have been “working” with Ioanna for approximately 4 months. It was a great decision and a hands on experience for me. Our cooperation is based on consistency, persistence and loyalty.
I love the flexibility of the program and her teaching method, which definitely set me up for success. Although, is was easy for me to fall off track, she helped me stay motivated and in the right mindset to follow through with the program, since it is a self-paced program. Her program is very informative and the knowledge she shared is helpful and easy to digest. I’ve learned a lot about habit reformation, diets and I managed to loose weight and stay super fit !!!
Ioanna is a wonderful and very inspiring person. She’s highly educated and knows health coaching profoundly well.
Ioanna - 31
Just as I was wondering how best to embark on a much-needed diet, by complete chance I got introduced to Ioanna by my brother and before I knew it I was her new client. Ioanna has a very different approach to diet which has suited me a lot. She explains the basics of how to plan your meal and then gives you the freedom to make your own choices of food. At the same time, Ioanna is fully aware of what I eat and most importantly of what I eat at every moment. She will comment, she will advise and she will support me at every step. Without her, I would not have had the discipline or the will to stick to any regime and achieve results.
I feel comfortably full after a meal and also happy and satisfied with my progress.
I am very grateful to Ioanna for keeping me on track with her useful tips and continuous encouragement which she manages to do without ever discouraging me or telling me off. She has a passion for what she does and passes on that enthusiasm every time we talk.
I will miss her when I reach my goals and will continue to recommend her for her professionality.
Με την υποστήριξη της Ιωάννας κατάφερα να εφαρμόσω αυτά που ήδη γνώριζα αλλά δυσκολευόμουν να κάνω πράξη και επιτέλους να απελευθερωθώ.
Είδα το σώμα μου να αλλάζει καθημερινά προς τη βέλτιστη εκδοχή του, χωρίς πίεση, φόβο, ενοχές και κυρίως χωρίς να αισθάνομαι ότι είμαι σε δίαιτα.
Με τον μαγικό τρόπο της Ιωάννας, αλλάζουν όλα χωρίς κανένα κόπο!
Myrto - 36
“What I loved during my time with Ioanna was that she didn’t use the traditional dieting techniques where everyone gets fed up at some point.
She taught me that my diet is not only what I eat. It’s a lifestyle.
I learned how to listen to my body, pay attention to signals, understand myself better and exercise more.
I still use her methods and I will keep using them in the future!”
Danae - 24
Η Ιωάννα με έχει βοηθήσει να απαλλαγώ από το άγχος που είχα γύρω από τις επιλογές μου, να τρέφομαι σωστά και να με προσέχω. Είναι πολύ σημαντική η ευκολία εύρεσης της κατάλληλης επιλογής μέσα από το εξατομικευμένο πρόγραμμα μου καθώς εργάζομαι πολλές ώρες και μπορώ να βρω με άνεση, ακόμα και αν δεν τα έχω προετοιμάσει απο το σπιτι, γεύματα που να λειτουργούν σε εμένα και με κάνουν να αισθάνομαι πλήρης.
Έχω δει το σώμα μου να αλλάζει χωρίς πίεση, αντιθέτως απολαμβάνω κάθε επιλογή μου.
Σε ευχαριστώ για την όμορφη «συνεργασία» μας.
Dimitra - 25
Ιωάννα μου γλυκιά,
Θα ήθελα να σε ευχαριστήσω πολύ, γιατί με βοήθησες όχι μόνο να χάσω τα κιλά που ήθελα αλλα ταυτόχρονα με έμαθες πως να τρώω πιο σωστά και έτσι να μην ξαναπάρω βάρος χωρίς όμως να στερούμαι τις γεύσεις που μου αρέσουν!
Με εντυπωσίασε δε το καθημερινό σου ενδιαφέρον και ο τρόπος που με στήριζες ακόμα και στα λάθη μου, δείχνοντας μου πως να τα διορθώνω την επόμενη ή ακόμη και την ίδια ημέρα στο επόμενο γεύμα.
Πανω απ’όλα με ενέπνευσες με το coaching που μου έκανες για να φροντίζω περισσότερο τον εαυτό μου!!! Σε αγαπώ!!!
Ria - 70
What people are saying
Coaching is art, nutrition is science
Follow my journey on instagram
Hi, my name is Ioanna.
I am a Health and Wellness Coach and my main aim is to Guide & Support you in order for you to achieve your physical goals in a healthy and sustainable way.
I have always been passionate about helping people and giving them the most I can. I love that personal connection that it creates with my clients, as coaching is all about people.
In the end, all it takes is a supportive environment, a personal approach, a suitable program, and a vision of what we want to achieve in our lives.
This is where I come in, and I would be delighted to guide you through this journey.

A sustainable solution to help you achive your physical goals
Health and wellness coaching is about understanding what determines the 6 aspects of our deep health, and in my personal opinion, it is not a matter of accepting something that you don’t like (whether that is mental or physical) but rather achieving your goals healthily and sustainably.
Hi, my name is Ioanna.
I am a Health and Wellness Coach and my main aim is to Guide and Support you in order for you to achieve your physical goals in a healthy and sustainable way.
I have always been passionate about helping people and giving them the most I can. I love that personal connection that it creates with my clients, as coaching is all about people.
In the end, all it takes is a supportive environment, a personal approach, a suitable program, and a vision of what we want to achieve in our lives.
This is where I come in, and I would be delighted to guide you through this journey.

A sustainable solution to help you achive your physical goals
Health and wellness coaching is about understanding what determines the 6 aspects of our deep health, and in my personal opinion, it is not a matter of accepting something that you don’t like (whether that is mental or physical) but rather achieving your goals healthily and sustainably.

Fivi - 25
Με την ιστορία της Ιωαννας μπόρεσα να ταυτιστώ και να νιώσω ότι κάποιος καταλαβαίνει και κατανοεί πλήρως πως νιώθω, αυτό με βοήθησε να έχω περισσότερη εμπιστοσύνη στην διαδικασία και παράλληλα να είμαι ασφαλής.
Με τις τεχνικές της με έχει βοηθήσει να έχω περισσότερη συνειδητότητα γύρω απο τις επιλογές μου, κάτι που έλειπε από τη διατροφική μου πορεία.
Δεν έχω σκεφτεί ούτε μια στιγμή ότι κάνω «δίαιτα» ή να καταπιεστώ, αντιθέτως απολαμβάνω τη διαδικασία.
Ευχαριστώ για τη μέχρι τώρα πολύτιμη βοήθεια σου 24/7 και είμαι σίγουρη πως έχω ακόμα να μάθω πολλά απο εσένα.
Eleni - 68
Θεωρώ ότι η Ιωάννα Κύπριου είναι πολύ ικανή coach.
Η μέθοδος που χρησιμοποιεί και ο τρόπος που εξηγεί τις λεπτομέρειες της διατροφής είναι εξαιρετικός.
Έμαθα σε πολύ μικρό χρονικό διάστημα να τρώω σωστά και έχασα βάρος χωρίς να κουραστώ και χωρίς καθόλου πίνα.
Είναι πολύ γλυκιά, επικοινωνιακή, ευγενική και σου εμπνέει εμπιστοσύνη αμέσως.
Ιωάννα μου ευχαριστώ πολύ για την βοήθεια σου.
Χαίρομαι που σε γνώρισα και σε εμπιστεύτηκα!!
Ria - 70
Ιωάννα μου γλυκιά,
Θα ήθελα να σε ευχαριστήσω πολύ, γιατί με βοήθησες όχι μόνο να χάσω τα κιλά που ήθελα αλλα ταυτόχρονα με έμαθες πως να τρώω πιο σωστά και έτσι να μην ξαναπάρω βάρος χωρίς όμως να στερούμαι τις γεύσεις που μου αρέσουν!
Με εντυπωσίασε δε το καθημερινό σου ενδιαφέρον και ο τρόπος που με στήριζες ακόμα και στα λάθη μου, δείχνοντας μου πως να τ α διορθώνω την επόμενη ή ακόμη και την ίδια ημέρα στο επόμενο γεύμα.
Πανω απ’όλα με ενέπνευσες με το coaching που μου έκανες για να φροντίζω περισσότερο τον εαυτό μου!!! Σε αγαπώ!!!
Myrto - 36
Με την υποστήριξη της Ιωάννας κατάφερα να εφαρμόσω αυτά που ήδη γνώριζα αλλά δυσκολευόμουν να κάνω πράξη και επιτέλους να απελευθερωθώ.
Είδα το σώμα μου να αλλάζει καθημερινά προς τη βέλτιστη εκδοχή του, χωρίς πίεση, φό βο, ενοχές και κυρίως χωρίς να αισθάνομαι ότι είμαι σε δίαιτα.
Με τον μαγικό τρόπο της Ιωάννας, αλλάζουν όλα χωρίς κανένα κόπο!
Dimitra - 25
Η Ιωάννα με έχει βοηθήσει να απαλλαγώ από το άγχος που είχα γύρω από τις επιλογές μου, να τρέφομαι σωστά και να με προσέχω. Είναι πολύ σημαντική η ευκολία εύρεσης της κατάλληλης επιλογής μέσα από το εξατομικευμένο πρόγραμμα μου καθώς εργάζομαι πολλές ώρες και μπορώ να βρ ω με άνεση, ακόμα και αν δεν τα έχω προετοιμάσει απο το σπιτι, γεύματα που να λειτουργούν σε εμένα και με κάνουν να αισθάνομαι πλήρης.
Έχω δει το σώμα μου να αλλάζει χωρίς πίεση, αντιθέτως απολαμβάνω κάθε επιλογή μου.
Σε ευχαριστώ για την όμορφη «συνεργασία» μας.
Danae - 24
What I loved during my time with Ioanna was that she didn’t use the traditional dieting techniques where everyone gets fed up at some point.
She taught me that my diet is not only what I eat. It’s a lifestyle.
I learned how to listen to my body, pay attention to signals, understand myself better and exercise more.
I still use her methods and I will keep using them in the future!”
Zoi - 66
Just as I was wondering how best to embark on a much-needed diet, by complete chance I got introduced to Ioanna by my brother and before I knew it I was her new client. Ioanna has a very different approach to diet which has suited me a lot. She explains the basics of how to plan your meal and then gives you the freedom to make your own choices of food. At the same time, Ioanna is fully aware of what I eat and most importantly of what I eat at every moment. She will comment, she will advise and she will support me at every step. Without her, I would not have had the discipline or the will to stick to any regime and achieve results.
I feel comfortably full after a meal and also happy and satisfied with my progress.
I am very grateful to Ioanna for keeping me on track with her useful tips and continuous encouragement which she manages to do without ever discouraging me or telling me off. She has a passion for what she does and passes on that enthusiasm every time we talk.
I will miss her when I reach my goals and will continue to recommend her for her professionality.
Ioanna - 31
I have been “working” with Ioanna for approximately 4 months. It was a great decision and a hands on experience for me. Our cooperation is based on consistency, persistence and loyalty.
I love the flexibility of the program and her teaching method, which definitely set me up for success. Although, is was easy for me to fall off track, she helped me stay motivated and in the right mindset to follow through with the program, since it is a self-paced program. Her program is very informative and the knowledge she shared is helpful and easy to digest. I’ve learned a lot about habit reformation, diets and I managed to loose weight and stay super fit !!!
Ioanna is a wonderful and very inspiring person. She’s highly educated and knows health coaching profoundly well.
Ariadni - 62
My beautiful and beloved coach,
The journey with you has definitely been a unique experience! Not only because it’s the first time I manage to look as I always wanted to, but also because with your helpful coaching method and support it all happened so much easier than expected!
Through this process, I shed all the excess weight (dropped from 62 to 54kg) but most importantly I gained so much energy and well-being!!!
I feel more confident than ever at my 62 years of age!
Thank you for everything, I wish you every success 💚
Ariadni Spanou - 62 (Weight loss, Reduced bloating, Feeling energised)
My beautiful and beloved coach,
The journey with you has definitely been a unique experience! Not only because it’s the first time I manage to look as I always wanted to, but also because with your helpful coaching method and support it all happened so much easier than expected!
Through this process, I shed all the excess weight (dropped from 62 to 54kg) but most importantly I gained so much energy and well-being!!!
I feel more confident than ever at 62 years of age!
Thank you for everything, I wish you every success ❤️
Zoe Tsatsou - 65 (Balanced way of eating, Weight loss, Reduced bloating)
Just as I was wondering how best to embark on a much-needed diet, by complete chance I got introduced to Ioanna by my brother and before I knew it I was her new client.
Ioanna has a very different approach to a diet which has suited me a lot.
She explains the basics of how to plan your meal and then gives you the freedom to choose your own food choices. I had a daily follow-up from Ioanna and she was fully aware of what I was eating. She would comment, advise, and support me at every step. Without her, I would not have had the discipline or the will to stick to my goals and achieve results.
I feel comfortably full after a meal and also happy and satisfied with my progress.
I am very grateful to Ioanna for keeping me on track with her useful tips and continuous encouragement which she manages to do without ever discouraging me or telling me off. She has a great passion for what she does and passes on that enthusiasm every time we talk.
I will miss her when I reach my goals and will continue to recommend her for her professionality.
Yasmine Erdinc - 27 (Improved relationship with food, Balanced way of eating)
I felt so comfortable speaking to Ioanna since day 1 as she made me feel safe and made it so easy to explain myself and my specific need for reaching out to her.
Her understanding, unbiased and empathetic approach really helped me to make more at peace with my eating, introducing healthy life habits and learning how I can work more towards them without psychologically putting pressure on myself.
I love that she gives examples from certain situations and how it worked before, as it helped me to visualise the potential impact.
She is always a phone call or text away and always makes sure that she is with you on that journey as well. So I felt her full support!!
I would highly suggest working with Ioanna as I am sure she will work on the right approach, specific to who you are, and be there for you to help you reach your goals whatever they might be.
Ioanna Chrysikou - 31 (Balanced way of eating, Weight loss, Feeling energised)
I have been “working” with Ioanna for approximately 4 months. It was a great decision and a hands-on experience for me. Our cooperation is based on consistency, persistence, and loyalty.
I love the program’s flexibility and Ioanna’s teaching method, which set me up for success. Although it was easy for me to fall off track, she helped me stay motivated and in the right mindset to follow through with the program since it is a self-paced program. Her program is very informative and the knowledge she shared is helpful and easy to digest. I’ve learned a lot about habit reformation, and healthy eating and I managed to lose weight and stay super fit!!!
Ioanna is a wonderful and very inspiring person. She’s highly educated and knows health coaching profoundly well.
Phoebe-Anna Krystalli - 26 (Improved relationship with food)
Με την ιστορία της Ιωάννας μπόρεσα να ταυτιστώ και να νιώσω ότι κάποιος καταλαβαίνει και κατανοεί πλήρως πως νιώθω, αυτό με βοήθησε να έχω περισσότερη εμπιστοσύνη στην διαδικασία και παράλληλα να είμαι ασφαλής.
Με τις τεχνικές της με έχει βοηθήσει να έχω περισσότερη συνειδητότητα γύρω από τις επιλογές μου, κάτι που έλειπε από τη διατροφική μου πορεία.
Δεν έχω σκεφτεί ούτε μια στιγμή ότι κάνω «δίαιτα» ή να καταπιεστώ, αντιθέτως απολαμβάνω τη διαδικασία.
Ευχαριστώ για τη μέχρι τώρα πολύτιμη βοήθεια σου 24/7 και είμαι σίγουρη πως έχω ακόμα να μάθω πολλά από εσένα.
Eleni Georgitzi - 68 (Balanced way of eating, Weight loss)
Θεωρώ ότι η Ιωάννα Κύπριου είναι τρομερά ικανή coach. Η μέθοδος που χρησιμοποιεί και ο τρόπος που εξηγεί τις λεπτομέρειες της διατροφής είναι εξαιρετικός.
Έμαθα σε πολύ μικρό χρονικό διάστημα να τρώω σωστά και έχασα βάρος χωρίς να κουραστώ και χωρίς καθόλου πίνα.
Είναι πολύ γλυκιά, επικοινωνιακή, ευγενική και σου εμπνέει εμπιστοσύνη αμέσως.
Ιωάννα μου ευχαριστώ πολύ για την βοήθεια σου ❤️
Χαίρομαι που σε γνώρισα και σε εμπιστεύτηκα!!
Maria Vardaki - 26 (Balanced way of eating, Feeling energised)
Εξαίρετη στη δουλειά της, τέλεια συνεργασία και πολύ κατανοητή ❤️
Θα την επέλεγα σίγουρα ξανά!
Penelope Vasileiadou - 47 (Balanced way of eating, Weight loss, Reduced bloating)
Μέσα από την συνεργασία μου με την Ιωαννα, ενώ στην αρχή ειμουν διστακτική (γιατί δεν είμαι συνεπής και πειθαρχημένη στο θέμα της διατροφής) με βοήθησε παρα πολύ και ήταν δίπλα όντως μιας πολύ καλής coach και του app που ακολουθούμε για μα βλέπει τι πραγματικά κάνουμε!
Επίσης το ποιο σημαντικό είναι ότι έμαθα να τρώω σωστά και να έχω μια σωστή διατροφή που θα μείνει στο χρόνο ώστε να μην ξαναπάρω κιλά και να είμαι σταθερή!
Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ ιωαννα για την άψογη συνεργασία και την υπομονή σου !!🙏 🫶
Alessandro Marino - 27 (Balanced way of eating, Increased muscle mass)
I have been experimenting with diets and training for more than ten years and I have never felt as good as during and after working with Ioanna.
She shifted my focus from nutritionism to nutrition and helped me build a healthy relationship with food and the way I was eating. The months with Ioanna allowed me to have a person on a daily basis supporting me in creating healthy food habits that can be supported in the long term, because personal and gradual.
For me, she’s a ‘food therapist’ that will help you build a new healthy relationship with food while also achieving your physical goals.
Dimitra Dousi - 25 (Balanced way of eating, Weight loss)
Η Ιωάννα με έχει βοηθήσει να απαλλαγώ από το άγχος που είχα γύρω από τις επιλογές μου, να τρέφομαι σωστά και να με προσέχω. Είναι πολύ σημαντική η ευκολία εύρεσης της κατάλληλης επιλογής μέσα από το εξατομικευμένο πρόγραμμα μου καθώς εργάζομαι πολλές ώρες και μπορώ να βρω με άνεση, ακόμα και αν δεν τα έχω προετοιμάσει από το σπίτι, γεύματα που να λειτουργούν σε εμένα και με κάνουν να αισθάνομαι πλήρης.
Έχω δει το σώμα μου να αλλάζει χωρίς πίεση, αντιθέτως απολαμβάνω κάθε επιλογή μου.
Σε ευχαριστώ για την όμορφη «συνεργασία» μας.
Ria Velli - 70 (Balanced way of eating, Weight loss, Reduced bloating)
Ιωάννα μου γλυκιά,
Θα ήθελα να σε ευχαριστήσω πολύ, γιατί με βοήθησες όχι μόνο να χάσω τα κιλά που ήθελα άλλα ταυτόχρονα με έμαθες πως να τρώω πιο σωστά και έτσι να μην ξαναπάρω βάρος χωρίς όμως να στερούμαι τις γεύσεις που μου αρέσουν!
Με εντυπωσίασε δε το καθημερινό σου ενδιαφέρον και ο τρόπος που με στήριζες ακόμα και στα λάθη μου, δείχνοντας μου πως να τα διορθώνω την επόμενη ή ακόμη και την ίδια ημέρα στο επόμενο γεύμα.
Πανω απ’όλα με ενέπνευσες με το coaching που μου έκανες για να φροντίζω περισσότερο τον εαυτό μου!!!
Σε αγαπώ!!! ❤️
Danae Panagopoulou - 25 (Balanced way of eating, Improved relationship with food, Weight loss)
What I loved during my time with Ioanna was that she didn’t use the traditional dieting techniques where everyone gets fed up at some point.
She taught me that my diet is not only what I eat. It’s a lifestyle.
I learned how to listen to my body, pay attention to signals, understand myself better and exercise more.
I still use her methods and I will keep using them in the future!”
Myrto Kalogeropoulou - 36 (Balanced way of eating, Improved relationship with food)
Με την υποστήριξη της Ιωάννας κατάφερα να εφαρμόσω πολλά αλλά και αυτά που ήδη γνώριζα αλλά δυσκολευόμουν να κάνω πράξη και επιτέλους να απελευθερωθώ.
Είδα το σώμα μου να αλλάζει καθημερινά προς τη βέλτιστη εκδοχή του, χωρίς πίεση, φόβο, ενοχές και κυρίως χωρίς να αισθάνομαι ότι είμαι σε δίαιτα.
Με τον μαγικό τρόπο της Ιωάννας, αλλάζουν όλα χωρίς κανένα κόπο!
Rebecca Vercellone - 19 (Balanced way of eating, Improved relationship with food, Weight loss)
What I loved during my time with Ioanna was that she didn’t use the traditional dieting techniques where everyone gets fed up at some point.
She taught me that my diet is not only what I eat. It’s a lifestyle.
I learned how to listen to my body, pay attention to signals, understand myself better and exercise more.
I still use her methods and I will keep using them in the future!”
Margherita Simoni 20 - (Weight loss, Balanced way of eating, Improved relationship with food)
I started following Ioanna's advice for a few months but I would have never expected results like the ones I got!!!
I contacted her because I wasn’t happy with my body and it’s fitness but by the end of my journey I had lost 7kg!
Although, I discovered that weight loss wasn’t the only goal achieved…
With ioanna I learned to eat well in every situation and to understand how to listen to my body and its needs.
I also learned to deal with so many stressful situations in such a better way (which is sth I was suffering a lot from) but most importantly all these things are still accompanying me still now, months after the end of the program!
I appreciate truly everything, especially her professionalism and availability ❤️
I will always be very proud and happy for the months you followed me,
Thank you❤️
Billy Manou - 18 (Improved relationship with food, Balanced way of eating, Weight gain)
Ioanna helped me when I didn’t know how to help myself. She was incredibly professional and responsive, but above all, she was kind and understanding.
I really couldn’t have asked for a better coach!!
After a few months of Ioanna’s help, I saw immense differences in my relationship with food & self. It’s rare to find someone who you can instantly trust and feel their support so profoundly.
Iris Deportu - 36 (Balanced way of eating, Weight loss)
There is so many contradictory information about nutrition and diet plans nowadays that it’s all so confusing. Ioanna made it so simple and fun, to take care about what I eat with no stress and guilt!
I lost the pounds I wanted and gained the gift to listen to my body’s needs and care for them. I learned to identify my feelings around food and question them. Am I really hungry or just bored? If I want something sweet.. is it because I am sad and I think that this will cheer me up or it is a blood sugar spike and if so how can I fix it?
All in all, Ioanna has a holistic approach that frees you and coaches you truly and in depth on something so simple that in our times has become stressful and neurotic.